Tarot Readings, as the name suggests, are conducted using Tarot Cards (usually The Radiant Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck) although another deck may be called for.
Often other oracle cards are used routinely to form part of your Tarot Card reading.
Personal Tarot Readings
Couples Tarot Reading
Email Tarot Readings
Skype or Phone Tarot Readings
Group Bookings/Parties/Corporate Events
Tarot Tea Parties
Tarot Cards – Using Tarot Cards is a very popular way of providing a reading and the Tarot Cards provide very in-depth detail to any situation. There are thousands of Tarot decks out there and I have my personal favourite which is the Radiant Rider Waite tarot card deck. A particular or specific spread can be used to provide a tarot reading, dependent upon requirements, usually though I will use the Celtic Cross spread for most situations. Sometimes just a shuffle and a draw of a few cards will satisfy your immediate queries especially if time is limited. During a “normal” reading, you can ask direct questions of the cards to get a direct answer back. With tarot cards you build up on the story and the situation with each card drawn.